Archery Activities
There will be archery going on throughout the event! Royal Rounds, both children and adults, novelty shoots, clout shoot, candle shoot, and York!
6:00pm: Clout shoot, 180 yards for bows of 40# pull and above, 140 yards for bows of less than 40# pull.
After dark: Candle light shoot, York target at 20 yards with the target illuminated by candle light. The farthest arrow out is eliminated each round. Miss the target completely? YouÕre out!
10am: York rounds (bring your walking shoes!)
Shot at 100, 80 and 60 yards. Warning! Walking to and from the targets total 2.5 miles for this one!
On-Going (when marshal is available)
Royal Rounds will begin Saturday morning at 10am and continue until noon on Sunday
Thrown Weapons: The thrown weapons range will open at 10am on Saturday and continue until noon on Sunday
Novelty Shoots
- William Tell: Shoot the fruit off of a plastic head
- Barney: Get even with the obnoxious purple dinosaur
- Horse Back: shoot from a sitting position on a bale
- 9am: Arion the Wanderer will teach Thrown Weapons Marshal (TWM) on the thrown weapons range.
- 1 pm: The Art of Thrown Weapons — Take the opportunity to learn TW from the best TW teacher in An Tir.
- 9am: Harald Warrocker will teach Target Archery Marshal (TAM) on the Royal Round Range.
- Long Distance (combined Clout and York): wins hardbound copies of Volumes 1, 2, and 3 of the Bowyers Bible.
- Royal Round: wins hand-forged wrought iron bow and arrow field stand.
Archery references (in PDF format)
- The An Tir Book of Target
- The Art of Spear Throwing
- The Art of Throwing Axe and Knife
- Holding the Knife
Questions? Contact Harald Warrocker,