

Artisans' Exhibit

We are hosting an Artisans' Exhibit. What is that, you ask? It's a place for artisans to enjoy the company of your fellows, work on your project and get feed back from the populace (and hopefully a few Laurels). All you need to do is bring a chair, a small table (if you need one) and your A&S item(s). Documentation is nice to have but not necessary. Need more incentive? Leticia and those she conscripts will provide you with tasty snacks!

1st Annual Wyewood Sheep to Shawl!

Traditionally held as a competition between teams of 4 or 5, this year ours is a modified version. Our sheep has been shorn and the fleece washed.

Starting at 2:30 on Saturday bring your carding tools, drop spindles, spinning wheels and join in the fun! No previous Sheep to Shawl experience necessary.


The Celebration at Sheepstow will include lots of classes to increase your knowledge and enjoyment of medieval things. Please pre-register for the classes. Some have a very limited number of students allowed. The class fees are paid to the instructor at the time of your class. You will need to bring a chair. Keep checking the event website for updates! Send a reservation email to Leticia Troischesnes, e-mail:

Class list

Bobbinlace 2 day workshop (both days) Kassandra of Dragon's Laire
Sat 9 to 5 & Sun 10 to 4
Cost $5.00 (Thread and handouts), min 3 max 7

We will start out doing bobbinlace stitches, cloth stitch, half throw, whole throw and a combination stitch. As soon as we are ready we will do right and left side picots, tallies/leafs, and four pair crossings. Try sewing on one of my pillows. I have a book for explaining more stitches.

Once we are comfortable Sat, we will start work on a project that you can work on all Sun with more discussion on lace. It will be either a bookmark or a simple piece of lace for you to have. We will talk about pillows, patterns, look at books and do lace.

OPTIONAL- If you email me ahead of time I can bring items for you to make and take a round cookie pillow (24 inch round) for $10.00 and purchase bobbins $10.00 a dozen, recommend you buying 2 dozen as it is only 12 pair. Cash only. Please email Kassandra at for further discussion. She does not normally carry supplies.

Bring a chair, instructor will have all supplies
All hands on class -you will be busy

Good Will Hunting Instructor: Lady Catrina Makcrie of Berwick
Time change: 1:00 – 2:45 Saturday
Cost $1, max 6
The Survivor's Guide to Shopping at Thrift Stores for SCA gear and supplies.

Students should bring note taking materials.
Making Laces, Period: Fingerloop Braiding Instructor: Lady Esclarmonde de Porcairages
8:30 - 9:45 Saturday
Cost $2, max 7
*Class Full*

This class will focus on how to make fingerloop braids, which can be used as lacing cords for clothing, purse strings, hat strings, and other occasions in which a cord is required. This method of making "laces," as they were known in period, is documentable at least as far back as the twelfth century.

Participants will make two sample braids using two different braiding techniques; the teacher will additionally demonstrate how minor variations of those techniques can produce several different patterns. Students will even receive four "bonus tracks": a correction to the Compleat Anachronist on Fingerloop Braiding (approved by one of the authors), as well as directions for three laces that are NOT in the CA but are translated directly from a period manual by the instructor.

Bringing your own scissors/ thread snips is handy, but not required.

Wire Weaving I Class Instructor: Lord Tomas MacDonagh
10:00 - 11:15 Saturday
Cost $10, max 8

Students will learn the basics of weaving silver plated wire. These supplies will be provided: Two spools of 26g non-tarnish silver wire, dowel to use as a weaving guide, pulling guide to assist in stretching the project

Additional equipment recommended for the student to bring: Small pliers, Small diagonal cutters

Optional equipment, not required but helpful: Small vise (clamps can be borrowed from instructor)

Buttons and Buttonholes Instructor: Lady Esclarmonde de Porcairages
10:00 - 11:15 Saturday
Cost $2, max 6

This is a hands-on class on making fabric buttons and a matching set of buttonholes as shown in the Museum of London's Textiles and Clothing 1150-1450.

Hand sewing experience not required.

If students have their own fabric scissors, it would be helpful to bring them.

Quill cutting Instructor: Dame Tamlyn of Wyntersea
10:00 - 11:15 Saturday
Cost $1, max 6

Learn how to cut a quill to use for calligraphy.

Students should bring a small sharp knife, a pocket knife will do)

Bayeux Embroidery Stitches Instructor: Dame Tamlyn of Wyntersea
11:30 - 2 Saturday
Cost $3, max 6
*Class Full*

Learn the stitches found in the Bayeux tapestry. Class fee provides handout and materials.

Students should bring scissors.

Rose Petal Beads -or- The Art of Making Beads from Rose Petal Paste Instructor: Lady Vilda Leusch
10:00 - 11:15 Saturday
Cost $5, max 10

Make wonderfully fragrant beads from rose petals.

Fee covers a hand-out, needle & thread, and a small amount of paste to take home.

Be aware that this is messy, so don't wear your best 12th Night garb!

Wire Weaving II Class Instructor: Tomas MacDonagh
4:00 - 5:15 Saturday
Cost $5, max 5

Students will learn to finish a woven wire project started in session I.

These supplies will be provided: one spool of 20g non-tarnish silver wire.

Additional equipment recommended for the student to bring: small pliers, small diagonal cutters

Optional equipment, not required but helpful: small vise (clamps can be borrowed from instructor), hammer and anvil.

Arthurian Legends Instructor: Lady Esclarmonde de Porcairages
4:00 - 5:15 Saturday
Cost $1, max 15

Medieval Arthurian texts have been found everywhere from Iceland to Germany to Italy. Learning about period Arthurian legends is an excellent addition to any Western European persona development.

We will begin with the earliest semi-historical texts that mention Arthur as a warrior, and continue through to the chronicles and romances of the high middle ages, from which most of today's versions of the Arthurian story derive.

This class will cover major characters of the legends, basic plotlines of the adventures, information on the major medieval Arthurian authors and their texts, as well as some general information on fiction-writing in the Middle Ages.
Designing Devices and Badges Instructor: Lady Esclarmonde de Porcairages
10:00-11:15 Sunday
Cost $1, max 15

This course aims to prepare you to design your own device and/or badge, and can also be helpful to those desiring to become heralds and help others do the same.

You will learn about use of color, common period charges, charge groups, and different ways of combining and arranging these in a device or badge.

The class will cover period style and how it is represented in the SCA Rules for Submission. The last part of the class will be a workshop for experimenting with device designs.

Arrow Making Instructor: Lord Harald Warrocker & Lord Evrard de Valogne
1:00 - 2:15 Saturday
No cost, max 15

This is an overview of the equipment, the selection of materials and the construction of target arrows used for the SCA. Handouts for the class will be provided.

Students should bring note taking materials.

SCA Camping for Dummies Instructor: Lord Tvorimir Danilov
2:30 – 3:45 Saturday
No cost, max 15

Let a Chirurgeon teach you not treat you! Class features camp and cooking safety, common sense and personal tips and tricks to keep you from needing medical treatment. Even old hands at camping can learn a few things from Lord Mir!

Students should bring note taking materials.

An Introduction to the SCA for Newcomers Instructor: Countess Elisabeth de Rossignol
11:30 – 12:45 Saturday
No cost, max 20

The Countess will share her vast experience in the culture of the SCA. This is not just a class for those new to the SCA, everyone benefits when Countess E speaks!

Students should bring note taking materials.

Buttonholed Couching, An Elizabethan Embroidery Stitch Instructor: Countess Elisabeth de Rossignol
2:30 – 3:45 Saturday
No cost, max 10

Buttonholed couching is a stitch widely used in Elizabethan embroidery, many examples of which still exist. It gives an interesting texture, it works up quickly, and best of all, it's easy!

Students should bring an embroidery hoop, snips and a needle. Fabric and thread will be provided.

Beginning Lampworking, Glass Beads Instructor: Lady Artemisia Cappellini da Valle
10:00am – 2pm Saturday
Cost $15, cash only; Max 6; No students under age of 16

Learn the fine art of making your own beads! This is a rare opportunity for hands on glass bead making.

Students should wear non-flammable clothing (i.e. no loose dangling sleeves or things that will catch easily on fire). I have fire extinguishers but would prefer to not have to put out students on fire.

Safety glasses - bring them if you have them. I do provide safety glasses but they don't fit well over prescription glasses.

Overview of 14th Century women's clothing Instructor: Lady Merouda Tremayne
10:00 – 12:45 Saturday
cost $3, max 12

The 14th century was a time of many fashion trends. This class focuses primarily on the years of the Luttrell Psalter, c.1338-44, although a brief overview of the entire century will be included.

Students should bring note taking materials.

Stockings - Draft your own pattern! Instructor: Lady Merouda Tremayne
1:00 – 3:45 Saturday
No Cost, max 6
*Class Full*

Leave the event with a pattern custom fit to your own leg and foot size!

Students should bring large paper (brown wrapping paper is perfect), measuring tape, pencil, marker.

Stool Ball, a medieval bat and ball game Instructor: Lady Wenyeva atte grene
Two sessions: Friday evening & Saturday after court
No cost, no max!

Stool ball is the likely ancestor of both cricket and baseball. Anyone who wants to play can play (all ages welcome), and spectators are welcome too! There will be some handouts; first-come first-served for those. This is not a lecture format class; basically you'll learn how the game works and then we will play the game as long as people want to.

Wear comfy clothes if you are going to play, and I recommend bringing water to stay hydrated while playing. Peanuts and a medieval version of Cracker Jacks optional. ;)

Knit Socks from the Toe Up Instructor: Lady Leticia Troischesnes
Two sessions: Friday evening & 8:30 – 9:45 Saturday
Cost $1, max 6

Knitting your own socks is the only way to get socks that fit! Leticia teaches a method that requires no sewing, no picking up stitches, no, really!

Prior to the class, stockinette knit a 4"x3" sample with the yarn and needles you plan on using for your socks. Bring this, your yarn and needles to class. A cloth measuring tape is helpful.

Students must have knitting in the round experience. If you want to learn to knit socks with one long circular needle, contact Leticia prior to the class.

Knit Socks from the Toe Up, continued Instructor: Lady Leticia Troischesnes
Two sessions: 4:00 – 5:15 Saturday & 8:30 – 9:45 Sunday
No cost, no max

Continue the sock experience. If you have knit all day, you may be almost finished with your 1st sock! Leticia will answer questions, offer finishing techniques and encourage you to make that 2nd sock. ;)

Basic Embroidery and Hand Sewing Instructor: Dame Ellen Fraser
8:30 Saturday
Cost $2, max 6

Students will learn basic embroidery stitches: stem, split, chain, back and French knot. Also basic hand sewing stitches: running, and two different hemming stitches.

Students are asked to bring embroidery hoop or Q-snap frame (approx 8 inches), scissors, and embroidery floss.

Introduction to Norse Embroidery Aelianora de Wintringham
8:30-10:30 Sunday
Cost 6$ (includes handouts, embroidery floss, linen fabric, needles), max 6
*Class Full*

We will explore a few stitches of Norse Embroidery and pick out, trace onto fabric and then work a Norse design. The finished product will be a bookmark or belt favor or if desired, the beginning of something that can be appliqu d to clothing.

Students should bring an embroidery hoop, Q snap frame or embroidery frame of their choice and scissors.

Flemish String Making Lord Harald Warrocker & Lord Evrard de Valogne
11:30-12:45 Saturday
Cost $2 per bowstring made, max 10

This class will be a hands-on format where each student can learn to make a string for their own bow. String, serving material and nock points will be available.

Students should bring a bow they may wish to make a string for.

Thrown Weapons Marshal Class Arion the Wanderer
Sat 9 - 10:15 AM
Fee: none, max: come one, come all

Location: Thrown Weapons range

Learn how to set up and safely run a thrown weapons range. Successful students will be warranted as Jr. Thrown Weapons Marshals.

Materials: download the "An Tir Book of Target" and "Missile Guild Scoring Rules" and the two score sheets and bring to class.

The Art of Thrown Weapons Arion the Wanderer
Sat 1 - 2:30 PM
Fee: none, max: come one, come all

Location: Thrown Weapons range

Learn the few simple rules that make the difference between sticking your live steel throwing weapon in the target and bouncing it off. This class demystifies how to assess and correct a non-sticking throw. By the end of this class, the successful student will be able to watch someone throw a live steel weapon, figure out why it didn't stick, and instruct the thrower on how to correct their throw so the weapon sticks in the target.

Materials: download "Holding the Knife", "The Art of Throwing Ax and Knife" and "The Art of Throwing Spear" and bring to class.