This is why we can’t have nice things
I’ve just turned off the ability for this weblog to accept trackbacks or pingbacks. Seems the blog spammers figured out that, while WordPress has some anti-spam security in posting comments, trackbacks were wide-freaking-open. So I discovered today that 75 trackback spams advertising porn were placed on my site overnight.
The spams have been deleted, and the trackback loophole has been closed. I am disappointed, because I liked being able to see when other people were posting about topics on my site. I guess now they’ll just have to post here instead.
Spammers, I repeat what I have said previously. You are very nearly the lowest form of organism crawling on this earth. Go to hell.
My sympathies, to the nth degree.
Maybe one day, spamming will be a crime… the day after they tear up the first amendment.
Eh, it’s not a First Amendment issue, at least. They used my resources to advertise their porn, and I had to spend time cleaning up after them. It’s plain simple theft and vandalism — the same as if they had spray-painted their ad on the outside of my house.
True, that. I had not thought of it in that light. Thanks for the illustrative comparison – I’ll be sure to steal it.
Trackbacks are now back on, but moderated. We will see what happens.