
Heraldic Symposium 2006 Class Schedule

Please register for classes in advance to assure a space. All classes have class size limits due to the size of the facility, and instructors need to know how many handouts to bring.

Class fees will be paid for on site only. Preregistration reserves your place and your handout; payments will not be accepted in advance of the event.

To register, contact Lady Esclarmonde de Porcairages, Argent Scroll Herald.

We will have Ithra credit forms available at gate. Anyone who wants Ithra credit need only pick up a form on site, complete it, and send it to the Ithra Chancellor, whose address is on the form.ÊÊRegistration with the University of Ithra in advance is not necessary.

Snail Mail: Barbara Segal
621 South 29th Place
Renton, WA 98055

Pre-registrations must be received by Friday, March 31.

In your pre-registration request, please include your name, classes you wish to take, total cost of your classes, and e-mail address for confirmation. If you do not have e-mail, please send an SASE for confirmation.

Track 1 Track 2 Track 3 Track 4
9-11 Basic Names How to Consult Names and Slavery in the Medieval Near East Drawing Heraldry in Different Heraldic Period Styles
11-1 A User's Guide to Name Resources Banners and Standards Doing Court Heraldry Without Having a Nervous Breakdown (Basic Court) On-line Conflict Checking
2-4 How to Murder Names in 14 Languages Basic Heraldry (History of heralds and basic armorial heraldry) Middle English Nicknames Graphic Heraldry (Ways to use armorial heraldry)
4-6 Spanish Names Heraldry for NonHeraldic Cultures Basic Field Heraldry Finding the Words: Texts for SCA award scrolls

9 A.M. – 11 A.M.

Basic Names
Cost: $1
Class size: 1 min/15 max
Description: An introduction to the study of naming practices in pre-17th century Western Europe. We'll discuss general patterns of naming, including types of given names and bynames used in period, as well as how names were generally constructed. Both personal and place names will be covered.
Instructor: Countess Elisabeth de Rossignol, Laurel Queen of Arms
How to Consult
Cost: $1
Class size: 1 min/15 max
Description: Does the thought of doing heraldic consultation give you nightmares? Tired of hearing Lord Johannes Doe's favorite "The Heralds Hate Me" story? Come to my class and I can show you how to handle most situations. I will cover:
  • What you need to have at the table
  • What paperwork you need to complete
  • How to fill in the forms
  • How to handle problems
At the end of the class, time permitting, we will do a hands-on roleplay of sticky situations people have faced.
Instructor: Richenda du Jardin, Lions Blood Herald
Names and Slavery in the Medieval Near East
Cost: $1
Class size: 1 min/15 max
Description: In the medieval Near East, many slaves rose to positions of high power. The Mamluks, who ruled Egypt for hundreds of years, the janissaries, and the Ottoman sultans' mothers were all former slaves. We'll discuss the way the names of slaves indicated status AND lack of status. Topics will include:
  • What the Qur'an says about the names of slaves
  • Mamluk names
  • Names of eunuchs
  • Janissary names
  • Names for women in the Ottoman sultan's harem
  • Flower and jewel names
Instructor: Lady Ursula Georges, Online Consulting Herald
Drawing Heraldry in Different Heraldic Period Styles
Cost: $1
Class size: 1 min/15 max
Description: How do you draw heraldry so it looks good and matches its owner's persona? This class will cover:
  • General heraldic art drawing tips. For example: how to draw crescents so they don't look like bananas Also, how to fill different types of space effectively! (shields vs. banners vs. pennons...)
  • Trends in heraldic drawing styles in different period times and places. For example: the smooth-furred and maneless vertical-backed lions of the 12th C vs. the exuberantly fluffy and diagonal-backed lions of the 16th C. Wyewoodians note: different periods' hypothetical depictions of Bubba may be a class exercise!
This class does NOT explicitly discuss how to design period-style heraldry.

This class focuses on heraldic art styles that were actually found in period. Heraldry started in the 12th C in Western Europe and spread out from there. So "Book of Kells" Celtic Art, for example, is not heraldic art, and Russia did not use heraldry for our entire period, The class will provide some useful information for people thinking about drawing heraldry in such styles, but it will not focus on these topics.

Students should bring: pencils and notetaking materials. Markers and unlined drawing paper are recommended; limited amounts will be available. Graph paper is optional.
Instructor: Dame Zenobia Naphtali, Black Stag Herald Extraordinary

11 A.M. – 1 P.M.

A User's Guide to Name Resources
Cost: $1
Class size: 1 min/15 max
Description: Where should you look if you want a French name? How do you make sense out that book in Italian? How do you know if a name in Woulfe is period? In this class, we'll talk about some of the most useful and common name resources, and how to make use of them. I'll provide the books; you bring the questions.
Instructor: Juliana de Luna, Jambe de Lion Herald
Banners and Standards
Cost: $1
Class size: 1 min/15 max
"Banners and Standards" is now full. If you were interested in taking this class, please choose another class at that time slot to pre-register at this time. If you wish, please note in your registration request that you wish to be put on a waiting list for the full class.
Description: A survey of the many types of flags, banners and standards found in period, with an emphasis on the Banner and the Standard. Course covers history, the many types, and how to design a period banner or standard that is SCA compatible.
Instructor: Frederick Badger, Couronne Rouge Herald
Doing Court Heraldry Without Having a Nervous Breakdown
Cost: $5
Class size: 1 min/ 10 max
Description: Designed to be useful for the beginning court herald, providing tools and tips to help you be successful doing courts for any level of the SCA. Handout will be provided. Class may include a short practicum if time and space allow. Students should bring note-taking materials, questions, ideas, enthusiasm and something to drink to keep the voice working.
Instructor: Natasha Orionova Zateeva, former Vox Leonis, Court Herald for An Tir
On-Line Conflict Checking
Cost: $1
Class size: 1 min/15 max
Description: All new submissions must be different from registered names and armory. This class will cover how to use the on-line Ordinary and Armorial - and other on-line resources - for conflict checking names and armory. This will be a great class for anyone wanting help submitters prevent returns and anyone interested in commenting on Internal Letters of Intent.
Instructor: Baroness Jeanne Marie Lacroix, Wreath Queen of Arms

2 P.M. – 4 P.M.

How to Murder Names in 14 Languages
Cost: $2
Class size: 2 min/ 15 max
Description: Everyone gets their name mangled in Court and on the Tourney Field. This class is designed to aid voice heralds with getting the pronunciation cues from the written name through to the tongue. It will also help consulting heralds inform clients as to proper pronunciation of their chosen names.
Instructor: Lord Ciaran Cluana Ferta, Æstel Herald
Basic Heraldry
Cost: $3
Class size: 1 min/15 max
Description: Basic Heraldry provides a quick overview of the historic use of heralds and the various ways heralds function within the society, with a final section on the basic rules for designing a badge or device. This two hour class necessarily scants blazonry; however, if students express a desire for blazonry over history, the class is easily adjustable. This is very basic class on what heralds do and heraldic design, aimed at the complete beginner and those just starting to design armory.
Instructor: HL Francesca Testerossa de' Martini, former Æstel Herald
Middle English Nicknames
Cost: $2
Class size: 1 min/8 max
Description: Many English surnames developed from nicknames given in the Middle English period. These nicknames were given to people by those around them, and were based on such things as the bearer's appearance (Feyrbody - beautiful body), personality (Jolyf - merry, cheerful), or occupation (Hosewyf - housewife). In this workshop, we'll start with an introduction to such nicknames, then explore possible nicknames that would apply to your specific SCA persona. You'll leave the class with a potential byname, or at least some ideas to explore. Class size limited to allow time for individual consultation. There will be handouts; please bring a pen or pencil.
Instructor: Lady Wenyeva atte grene, Blue Anchor Herald
Graphic Heraldry
Cost: $1
Class size: 2 min/15 max
Description: Now that you have it, what do you do with it? Heraldry is beautiful as well as functional. Period artisans used it in many different media and so can you—all you need is a little creativity. We will look at period heraldic display and decoration and discuss ways you can adapt these for your own use. Get ideas for how to heraldically decorate your garb, camp, fighting gear, children, pets, horse trappings, bird cages, candle snuffers, belt buckles, book covers, underwear....
Instructor: Countess Elisabeth de Rossignol, Laurel Queen of Arms

4 P.M. – 6 P.M.

Spanish Names
Cost: $1
Class size: 1 min/ 15 max
Description: In this class, we'll discuss how names were constructed in Spain and how they varied across time and space. We'll talk about Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, Basque, and other languages in the Iberian Peninsula differ, and how names in these languages changed over time. We'll also talk about where to find good Spanish names, and things to avoid.
Instructor: Juliana de Luna, Jambe de Lion Herald
Heraldry for Non-Heraldic Cultures
Cost: $1
Class size: 1 min/ 15 max
Description: This class will be a discussion on how to design and submit heraldry for non-standard heraldic cultures. Topics will include cultures that have something akin to heraldry such as Japanese, and Islamic, that can be adapted for use in the SCA. Also covered will be cultures without a defined system of heraldry but which are popular SCA personas, such as "Norse" and "Celtic". The class covers an approach for designing SCA-compatible heraldry, and heraldic display that can reflect a chosen persona. Other topics covered include filling out the forms, artwork styles, and more.
Instructor: Lord Frederick Badger, Couronne Rouge Herald
Basic Field Heraldry
Cost: $1
Class size: 2 min/ 15 max
Description: In this class, you'll learn how to go home from the tournament with a voice. We will explore basic vocal technique, the care and feeding of heralds, and how we emulate historic heralds. This is a "lungs-on" course, please come prepared to vocalize.
Instructor: Lord Ciaran Cluana Ferta, Æstel Herald
Finding the Words: Texts for SCA Award Scrolls
Cost: $2
Class size: 3 min/15 max
Description: Learn the elements of SCA award texts. Class includes setting up texts for Charters and for original scrolls that include blazons for personal heraldry. We will cover a couple format variations for personalizing text. The class is interactive; if you are currently working on a Scroll assignment(s) please bring it. Bring note taking materials. Handout provided.
Instructor: Dame Tamlyn of Wyntersea