
Come learn about a field that's charged with excitement! Wyewood invites you to the event with a difference: An Tir Kingdom Heraldic Symposium on April 8-9, 2006.

Kingdom Heraldic Symposium is intended for people of all levels of interest and experience. Even if you never want to be a herald, classes on period names and heraldic arts will enlarge your general knowledge of the Middle Ages, Renaissance and the SCA itself. For those aspiring to a degree in our society, there will be Ithra credit available for core classes. New and aspiring heralds can learn the ropes of being an SCA herald. Experienced heralds can take advanced classes and swap ideas.

Autocrat: Lady Esclarmonde de Porcairages,

Guests of honor

We are proud to host our honored guests:


The 2006 Kingdom Heraldic Symposium will include the following activities:



Event Site:

See The Site page for the address and links to directions and local accommodations.


See the Fees & Pre-Registration page.

Come back for schedule details, directions, contest rules and more!