The Posies Picture Book
Here's a selection of Posie images for you to enjoy. Select each thumbnail
image to download a larger .gif of that image.
From YEAH! Magazine
#17, February 1989. Jon was featured as a valentine in a Tiger Beat
spoof. Photo by Jill Goodejohn.
Ken, March 1994 at London Astoria 2. Photo by Midori Tsukagoshi.
This is a 1989-vintage promo photo that
was used quite often by the Seattle Weekly, the Seattle Times,
and other local publications. I don't have a photo credit for this one.
This shot was on the cover of The Rocket in
mid-1989. If the colors look slightly strange, that's because the photo was
hand-colored. I don't have a photo credit for this one.
Do you have any Posie images for us to include here? E-mail them to Wendi Dunlap,
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© 1995, 1998 Wendi Dunlap / Dear 23 List Mom /